Term 2 Week 9 & 10 View Document
Welcome to Whitikahu School

Country learning at its best
Principal's Welcome
Nau Mai Haere Mai
Welcome to Whitikahu School!
Whitikahu School is a very proud and special country school.
Our school caters for New Entrant children right through to Year 8.
Whitikahu prides itself on its positive school culture. This special culture is based on our “Whitikahu Way.” Our Whitikahu Way values drives all that we do. At the heart of these values is that every child at our school is known, and cared for. Everyone knows everyone, with children of all age group (from seniors to juniors) mixing together, and supporting each other.
We have an amazing group of dedicated and passionate teachers, teacher aides, and office staff. All working together to create an effective, nurturing, and fun learning environment.
We are extremely fortunate at Whitikahu School. We have an incredibly supportive and active B.o.T, P.T.A and school community. Who all serve to enhance our special Whitikahu Way.
Whitikahu School – Country Learning at its Best. Through innovative, student centred and future focused learning.
You are welcome to come in and visit and experience our Whitikahu Way for yourself.
We have 4 classrooms operating and cater for students from year 1 to year 8. We have enthusiastic experienced teachers who provide a range of amazing programmes that encourage the students to produce a very high standard of achievement, exceeding the national average for the New Zealand Curriculum National Standards in Reading, Writing and Maths.
The school is well resourced with a swimming pool, tennis courts, two adventure playgrounds, a large field for rugby, soccer, hockey and other sports, a multi-purpose room for indoor activities, a new library, multi-media suite and a wide range of equipment to support programmes.
Everyone is welcome, we operate with an open door policy.
Brent Harper
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Monday, March 17
- Senior Swimming Sports
- 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Thursday, April 10
- Easter Fun Day
- 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Friday, April 11
- Term 1 Ends
- All Day
Monday, April 28
- Term 2 Starts
- All Day
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